The Mystery Man

"Sit down..."

"Don't run..."

"They'll bring your order soon, don't cry!"

Arthur felt his energy draining empty hearing the screeching of his niece who for some reason didn't want her brother to eat his ice cream until her order arrives. Her order arrived too and who asked her to topple that big sundae on the floor?

In the end, He shared his strawberry milkshake his niece ordered for him and that somehow soothed her.

Phew! He sighed in relief. There were already some people taking pictures and some people looking at him pitifully. Some were even angry at him for reasons he couldn't understand.

These kids are not the only ones acting up!

Yes, he was sitting in an ice cream shop with his nephew and niece after offering to babysit them for a couple of hours. Apparently his brother has some important meeting and his Sister-in-law has an important court case to attend and so his brother asked him to babysit their kids for sometime since their nanny is on sick leave.