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"Good Afternoon, Your Majesty"

Talia spoke in a chirpy tone and hearing nothing from the other end, checked if she's still connected.

"You offered to pay for your stay in the hotel?" after thirty seconds, the voice from the other end was scary.

"I just thought I would try to be independent and-"

"Independent?" Louis sneered from the other end, "By paying with Lord Brunton's Black Card? You wanted to throw his money at our face? You thought our Royal family cannot spare a paltry amount for your stay in the hotel? Or is it because you didn't mind spending Lord Brunton's money since you consider only him as family but not us?"

"It's not that you can't afford it or anything else," Talia rubbed her forehead. What's with this misunderstanding?

"I thought it won't be good PR if I, a Princess who never did anything for the people of Rosandale, spends their taxpayer money for my stay in a seven star hotel. The amount spent for my security is a lot by itself, and I didn't want-"