A Blackmail Tape (1)

Talia really wanted to bring Arthur to her room and talk for a while. Louis did say this was their hotel and so the privacy will be topnotch and nothing will be leaked to the press. She wanted to have some more time with Arthur.

Vivian realised Talia and Arthur lingering and after saying her good bye, dragged Jordan with her and left. "I'll support you in the future too. You can ask anything of me. Take it that I owe you one," Vivian said before she left.

Talia looked at Mr. Ed seemingly disturbed by Arthur's presence here.

"I'm taking him to my room," Talia's heart was beating like crazy as she said that. She said that as an information but it only could be passed of as a request. She actually felt like she was a teenager once more, trying to negotiate with Cyrus if she could go to Fred's apartment.

She knew she was being stupid. She is a grown woman who is twenty six. She can bring a man to her room if she wants to. She needs no one's permission!