Press Meet (2)

"Let me fix my hair first!" Talia pulled her hand out of his grip and Arthur stopped in his steps.

"You look fine," he smiled looking at her. She looked perfect for him, but she would think different. She really didn't look 'presentable' by her standards.

"No I don't! You need to..." she touched his cheek and started speaking continuously, "You go wash your face first. You are oily. It won't look good through a camera. Do you have a makeup artist with you? If not, I'll do a simple makeup for you..."

Arthur felt his scalp go numb by what Talia suggested. She is not the first one to suggest that. Everyone asks him to apply makeup before standing in front of cameras, but still...

"It's getting late, I need to-"

"Then stop wasting time!" it was an order this time and Arthur just nodded.

"Yes Ma'am!"

Arthur sat in the chair frowning after he washed his face.