I Hate You

Talia closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. The picture of her grandfather is there; published in one of the tabloid known for it's trustworthiness. It wouldn't be fake and that means it is real.

My grandpa's sickness worsened.

Talia knew crying in front of these reporters won't do her much good to change her situation - other than probably gain her some sympathy points from the public. It is good in a way, but she wanted to do more damage to the Council who still is not agreeing for her entry to Esteria even for a week.

And thinking about giving more damage... Why didn't Fred talk to me about grandpa's condition worsening..? Could it be...

Talia wiped the corner of her eyes with her fingers and passed the phone back to Mr Ed. She looked to the front and her face still had a slight blush to it as she was stressed and her glossy eyes invoked sympathy.