Holding On To the Diamond

"Yesterday, I got a call from The Daily Beacon..." Joe looked at Talia. His fingers were tightly interlocked showing the stress he is in and his neck veins were popping out showing he was mad.

Talia could see that he was angry. However, who is the recipient of his anger was unknown. Was he angry at himself or at Rachel?

It took a minute for Joe to compose himself, "They asked my permission to publish an article about you, with the input from 'sources close to you'... " he looked at Talia and Talia who was petting Bear, paused and got serious. Arthur got alert too.

"The editor, who is a close friend of mine, knew you are my wife's best friend and was a bit doubtful that I approved this article to be published... I was surprised since I didn't commission anyone to write any article about you. But I didn't tell her that and asked to hold from publishing the article until I give the approval. And the article... "

" It was lies? " Talia asked seeing Joe hesitating.