Uncaring Of Her Feelings?

Talia stared at the man in front of her observing her like a hungry wolf waiting to devour the weak prey. She ignored his lecherous smirk and looked into that clear green eyes. Those eyes clearly were wandering around lecherously on her body, but it still showed restraint.

His hand grabbing her hand was hot as lava making her warm too. His chest was flushed and as she keenly observed, there was perspiration making it glisten.

The corners of Talia's mouth curled to a sly smirk.

He is as nervous as I am!

And suddenly springs of hope and confidence bubbled in her heart spreading throughout her. She reckoned it would be fine to do what he asks. It's not a big deal, right? She is already twenty six and the man in front of her is Fred. Both of them love each other and it would be normal for them to engage in sensual acts.

What does acting shy do? I've already wasted the best part of my youth being celibate. Why waste more of my youth?