Walk of Shame

Arthur woke up at six o'clock as per usual. He looked to his side and saw the little woman peacefully sleeping hugging his arm and a smile bloomed in his face.

He placed a small kiss on her cheek and watched her smile sweetly. It seemed like she was having pleasant dreams and Arthur felt blissful watching her. Her hair was a mess, but her beauty was undeniable. Her face had a nice blush colour to it, making her seem fresh.

He was pleasantly surprised by how forward she was in bed last night and how alluring she was as she moved. He felt like the sweet symphony of her pleasured voice can beat the song of a nightingale at any given time. He wanted to be the only one hearing that.

He remembered how in the dinner last night, many men swirled around her, trying to get her attention. Too bad they didn't know she has a thing for red haired, green eyed guys, who have chest hair and doesn't wear clip-on ties.