Cousin by Blood, Sister by Heart

There was joyful chattering echoing in the café as everyone was merrily spending time together. Talia gathered from others that it was like a vacation since Joe paid for their travel to the capital city as a team building vacation with many activities arranged for the few days and today they had arranged this farewell party for her.

For someone stingy as Joe to arrange all these, even paying for the vacation of his employees... It's all for Rebecca.

Talia knew it. Does Rebecca?

Talia looked at Rebecca sitting by her side eating her cake and her eyes were searching for something.Or, is it "someone" she is searching for?

In the crowd, Talia found it hard to locate Joe, but it seemed like Rebecca found him and when Talia looked at Rebecca, she bowed her head and started focusing on her cake once more.

What's with this?

At that time, Talia's phone rang and she for some reason expected it would be Arthur, but was so disappointed seeing it was Rachel's number.