Change In Attitude

"She's a grown woman. She can handle herself. She also has two people with weapons guarding her. Don't worry," Joe told Rebecca who stared at the back of Talia who walked towards Rachel and her father.

He wasn't pleased to see that worry apparent in his wife's eyes. She always cares more for her friend.

Rebecca blinked her eyes and looked at Joe who had his eyes trained on her. Maybe because she missed him, she found him more handsome, even though she could see the tiredness in his face.

"Becky... I..." Joe gulped trying to convince her to comeback. But seeing her not ready to talk, he didn't want to force her. Everything in him wanted to just grab her and lock her in his house, but he can't be overbearing with her.

"Last night, I met with Samuel Russell," Joe changed the topic and scrolled through his phone. With a smile he showed her the phone, sitting across her at the table.