Couldn't Have Happened to a Nicer Guy

"That was..."

Talia sat in the seat beside Rebecca not knowing how to describe what happened just then. "You're fine, right?" she asked Rebecca and her furrowed brows only got relaxed after seeing Rebecca nod.

"That was really... unexpected," Rebecca said, her eyes fixed on Joe who was standing by the exit, making sure that Mr. Crawley and Rachel are really leaving.

"You can't be this trigger happy, Sir Robert," Joe mumbled at Mr. Ed. "Do you know that you cannot draw a weapon without the intention of shooting to kill?" Joe really wasn't happy that bodyguards of Talia readily draw their weapons and point at people. Shouldn't they be a bit more responsible?

Joe understood he is trying to protect Talia and he won't intentionally harm Rebecca, but still, won't his priority be Talia? Then what about his wife?

"Who said I have no intention to kill once I draw a weapon?" Mr. Ed pointed his weapon at Joe's face making him go all pale.