More Of You

Jordan sitting in the front felt uneasy as he could see Archibald's stare on him as the car was parked parallel to their car. But it seemed like both of them refused to give up and waited until the other person initiates the first greeting.

Arthur on the other hand, almost forgot where he was and tried to reach Talia desperately. She didn't attend his fourth call either. He knew he should back off and let her cool down before he called again, but he was so desperate to talk to her and he called her the fifth time.

This time he made a video call and that call went through and with the default Tring Tring sound, Arthur could hear the sound of his heart beating loud and clear, in that closed place, silent as a graveyard.

He closed his eyes as he thought this call would be rejected too. That's when it happened .


Her voice, although the tone expressed annoyance, came like little drops of rain falling on a parched land and like a farmer who owned the land, he felt happy.