The Unexpected Guest

"That plant seems to be well cared," Rebecca said as she saw Talia gently wiping the leaves of the plant. She was so gentle and the care in her eyes was so obvious, like she was handling a little baby. She was that way with animals too, as she noted. And kids.. She couldn't help but adore them.

When Rebecca came to know Talia, she always said that she is an uncaring person with no gentleness; almost like a monster, a psychopath. She was extremely polite and so classy that made her seem like a fake person. Many believed her to be fake. She was too smart and too polite but she had that aura that made many people feel little in front of her and made them keep their distance from her. She was broken, she had panic attacks at times, took pills, and yet she still couldn't keep the radiance in her heart from shining out brightly through her eyes.

She has such pretty eyes.