Hidden Secrets (2)

"Jordan...why?" Sophia leaned on Jordan. "Why is he breaking off the engagement?"

Jordan froze entirely as he felt that sweet sensation on his shoulders.

"Isn't it obvious?" Jordan's hand that was about to caress her hair paused and he pushed her head away from him. She might be drunk, but he is not.

"Ouch!" she rubbed her head making her smooth hair all messy, with her lips curled to a cute pout. "What did you do that for? Even you didn't answer my calls today... I'm hurt Jordan. I'm so hurt..." her eyes watered. "It hurts so much here," she rubbed her chest.

Jordan took his glance away from her and picked up his phone.

"Is it because I called Talia? Because I disturbed her? That's why, isn't it? " she spoke in a very soft voice, like a meek kitten.

Jordan through his peripheral vision could see her leaning on the seat in a contemplative glare. With her smudged eye makeup, she looked terrible, but there still was some undeniable beauty in her.

" What are you doing?"