The Frightened Bird

"Ellie, Let's not disturb the Princess anymore. Shall we leave?" with his tone gentle, Archibald asked Marcella.

And just like that... Marcella started to shiver again, looking at the room card in her hand. She had realised something.

"You booked a single room for us both?" Marcella asked, her voice trembling.

"It's a Presidential Suite. Just like always. Booked the room in my name with you as my missus, as always. Come on, let's go," Archibald didn't even act like he has done anything weird.

In fact he knew what he has done. When he felt like his feelings towards the sister of his best friend changed, he knew what he must do to make her come closer to him.

His world that felt desolate, although surrounded with riches, countless women and every nice thing money can afford, got filled with the sweet chirp of a spring bird. And from then on, she became his melody and he became her admirer.