The Woman She Turned Into

When Talia returned to the lounge, she saw Archibald and Marcella sitting together, with Archibald whispering something in her ears and Marcella's blushed, round face looked like an apple.

Noticing Talia walking towards them, Marcella stood up and walked towards her.

"He is such a... He's not a very nice person like you, Princess," she said and she was gasping as if she had run a mile. "He's acting with you. In fact he has said something terrible about you in the past. Vivi told me about it. He is not a polite person..."

Talia could only imagine what he might have said to her to make her blushed and flustered like this.

Some teasing words probably? Guess all men are same with their women. But why is she complaining to me?