New Place

Talia after receiving her grandfather, was on her way to the Hingham Castle thirty kilometers South of The Palace of Charentes.

Hingham Castle is the official residence of the Royal family for centuries. Sitting in a wide area of twenty acres, and with more than a thousand rooms, it is one of the biggest residences in the world.

The Queen Dowager stayed in one of the apartments in Hingham Castle although for centuries only the Monarch and his family can have their residence there. The Dowager Queen residing there, only proved how much she is still respected and how she is treated equally to the Monarch King Louis himself.

Since Hingham Place had such significance, Talia didn't understand why her grandfather's stay is arranged at Farbridge Cottage, which is a cottage in the Hingham Castle grounds. Although it is called a 'cottage' it had fifteen rooms surrounded by a nice view of flower gardens and a pond.