Past Regrets (2)

One day the youngest was chasing the eldest. Sitting in the garden he watched two grown up boys, one seventeen and another thirteen year old, messing up the garden, ruining the spring flowers. The eldest had a photograph in his hand and the youngest with his face red was chasing his brother.

'See great grandma... Berty wants to marry this girl!' Louis jumped over a hedge and ran towards her, escaping his little brother. 'She's a Princess too. Princess Polaris!'

When she saw the picture of the thirteen year old girl, her heart squeezed. Wearing an amethyst earring, the purple in her eyes were brought out and her smile...

Her chest hurt... She fainted.

Her first heart attack.

At almost eighty years old, she thought there aren't a lot that could surprise her. She thought she was saturated by the wonders of the world and the curve balls life throws at you, enough to get not surprised.