The Cold Dish

Cyrus' father?

Talia gulped. She always had a feeling that Lord Lockhart didn't like her. And for him to keep everything a secret, what has he decided? Can't he say it openly? At least to me?

And what can I do about it? He is the grieving father and I cannot act entitled when I was the one who killed his son.

But still... That phone... Cyrus must have left clues if that phone was kept safely by him and if it still could reveal secrets.

"Will expect you in Esteria sooner, Ms. Brunton. Don't try to find my friend. You know he needs protection." Camellia ended the call.

She wasn't that worried if Talia will expose the journalist to the public.

"What does she want?"

The slightly horse voice of the elder sitting in front of Camellia, made her look up from her phone.

"I don't know what you're thinking you can achieve by dragging this out, Mr. Lockhart. Rip the bandaid off! She doesn't have to bear the guilt any longer."