Cleared Misunderstanding

Talia knew she won't be able to 'interrogate' her great grandmother like she would do with Mr.Ed and held back all her questions. She decided to casually get closer to her great grandmother and gather informations slowly.

As they walked through the garden, her great grandmother brought her to a particular place that was fenced and kept in very prim and proper state in the garden. There was a big fountain at the centre of that little garden and some gazebos too.

Talia was pleasantly surprised by the garden of Arum Lily in that area. As spring was approaching, the plants all looked fresh and lush and they looked like they'd bloom soon. Talia could only imagine how pretty this place would look when they all bloom.

And there were many potted Lily of the Valley plants that are yet to flower and also many varieties of Lilies that were maintained for years.

Lilies? Are those flowers in remembrance of Princess Lillian?