Hurt By First Love

" I'll meet them all and I'm choosing two, Your Majesty," Talia closed the big binder on her lap with a smile.

"You only need to choose one Lady in Waiting, Mary" King Louis said to Talia while giving a glare to Sir Leonard who was holding back his smile.

"A blonde one and another one for me," Talia's smile widened as she trained her eyes on Louis. Cordelia sitting beside Talia started to chuckle.

"You lost, Louis..." she said amidst her chuckle not minding him trying to act majestic.

Her simple husband thought he could manipulate Talia, but she is much more smarter than he thinks she is. Talia had realised his intention. How funny!

Talia didn't care much about that. When Talia was called here, she was told she'd be given a gist of her engagements as the Princess Royal.