Birds of a Feather

She closed her eyes, resigned to accept her fate, but heard a loud bark of Bear, followed by a series of 'pew pew' noises, and the whines of the dogs.

Mr. Ed is here!

Bear was circling around her legs agitated as he sensed the danger and Talia, felt all her energy leaving her body and slid through the tree trunk and ended up sitting on the ground.

She didn't dare to look to her front knowing what awaits her. As much as she was scared of the dogs, she didn't like to see them dead. They are loyal beasts who obeyed their master. It was that guy's fault his dogs are dead.

"Haha... Lambert... What did you do that for? I worked hard to train them and now they are all dead. My dogs weren't going to hurt the Princess, I was just teasing her... " That guy kept on talking.

"Your Highness, have some water."

It was the very soothing voice of Sir Robert. He tried to be as respectful as he can, but he still couldn't hide the worry he had too.

"Thank you, Sir Robert"