Lot To Talk

For two days, as ordered by her great grandmother, Talia stayed in her house, planning for the Spring Ball.

On the third day, she couldn't keep herself locked up anymore and bringing Bear along, visited her grandfather. Her grandfather had a little scare previous night as his blood pressure dropped suddenly and Talia only felt better after he got stabilised.

He was supposed to be on bed rest.

But when she got to the cottage, she was surprised to see her Grandpa playing chess in the garden, with none other than.... Walter Trembley.

"Your Royal Highness," noticing Talia entering the garden, Walter stood up and gave a bow.

Talia nodded with a polite smile and went straight to her Grandpa and after kissing him on the cheek, proceeded to sit beside her Grandpa.

"This young lad is pretty good at chess..."

Talia looked at her Grandpa, actually admiring Walter's skills.