Stubborn Heart

Are you okay?

Those words... Talia didn't know why those words seemed like a little raft that found her when she was drowning in water.


Talia opened her eyes and looked at Celine whose eyes were filled with concern. Fixing her hair that was ruffled by the wind, she looked very worried.

Talia didn't want to spoil Celine's good mood by telling her about the article. Talia also worried if Walter would be suitable for Celine if he is responsible for the article. So, until Mr. Ed finds out who is responsible for the article, she decided to keep it from Celine.

"Shall we leave?" Talia asked Celine. She wasn't sure where she should go now. Back to her home or to meet Fred. She didn't know if Fred would come meet her even if he knows that she has arranged a date with him. He seems to have given up on her for something he read in a tabloid magazine.

"Talia, what is it?" Celine held Talia's hands. "You don't look fine. Who called? What did they say?"