Still a Citizen?

"I'm meeting Lord Lockhart tomorrow and I'll be back for Spring Ball," Talia told her great grandmother who had her usual stone-face, not candidly showing her emotions. Her grandfather sitting beside the Dowager had a very cross face. Who is the recipient of his anger- Talia didn't know. It could be her, or it could be Lord Lockhart even.

Talia noticed her great grandmother looking at Mr. Ed and looked at him. Surely Mr. Ed knows the pulse of the Dowager very well considering he worked for her more than a decade.

"Some Courtiers are already not pleased with the way you handled the issue with the Duke of Luxxenshire-"

"I went behind the courtiers and exposed the corruption to the public directly, incriminating the Duke with no way out and they are hurt I didn't go through them first? They'd have buried it like they did before," Talia scoffed.