His Last Wish

Lord Lockhart was stunned by the way Talia questioned him.

Does she realise she has no rights to question me? She killed my son!

But then, he had a rough idea of what happened between her and Raymond Sinclair. It was terrible. He can say with an honest heart that he is glad Raymond didn't succeed in what he had planned.

He died... So what? He deserved it.

She was stupid to go to the Sinclair mansion alone, considering their family history. But then... It was his hunt that kept her there and eventually led to her fateful meeting with Ray.

He doesn't have daughters, but he wouldn't wish that happen to any woman- even his son's killer.

No... It was still the Sinclair's fault for not protecting the girl they gave refuge to, knowing how twisted Raymond is.

That day... Even still it gives him immense pain.