Treated As Family

" Here," Lord Lockhart passed a card to Vivian, still having the photo frame in his hand other hand.

"What is it dad?" Vivian got the card and her eyes widened seeing the name written. "Dad... This..."

Vivian was stunned to see the business card of one of the best luxury wedding planner in the world.

"I know I'm intruding in your wedding plans, but I know this guy who is a wedding planner and he makes very good wedding decors. You might have heard of him..." he paused seeing Vivian standing with misted eyes as she was touched. "Our firm ran security for him once when he arranged the wedding of a King. I asked him to plan my son's wedding and he wanted to talk to you. I know Cyril doesn't care about these details and you're the one making all the wedding arrangements, so if you already have planned-"

"Nope! I don't have a planner for reception yet. I'll talk to him. Thank you dad!" Vivian swallowed the lump in her throat that had formed out of happiness.