Entering The Sinclair Mansion Again

Arthur came to the little break room in the second floor where Talia. It was where most of the temporary low level data-entry workers who are mostly straight out of college are working. And a good percentage of them are the ones who are supporting the nationalisation of Northern Star since they think their hardwork isn't rewarded and they are working for peanuts.

But anyone who became a permanent worker knows the benefits that comes with working in one of the biggest conglomerates in the world.

As Arthur got out of the elevator, he heard one one of the new recruits murmuring to the one near him that Talia was with them to pander to them and that she, the piranha doesn't care about them plebs. If she cared, it is because she was hungry and wants them for food.

Arthur walked past him not minding the gasp he heard behind him. If only she, or Brunton really thought that way, their meetings with the board members would be smooth.