Adorable Father

Talia was too stunned to say anything. Talks about illness and death, especially if it concerned those who are close to her always gave her a bitter feeling, making her freeze.

But Arthur, little more composed than she is, kept on asking questions to his father and he seemed to know what he talked about. Talia was surprised of his knowledge about heart conditions, but realised he must have learnt it all since he took care of her grandfather who has heart issues.

Her heart filled with warmth looking at the side profile of the man, who was hiding his worry in front of his family and now starting to say comfortable words to assure everyone else.

My man!

"You'll definitely get better soon, Mr. Sinclair," Talia gathered her thoughts and spoke out. Now is not the time for her to be silent, no matter what the reason is. She needs to voice her support.

"Aww...that hurts!" Gregory held his chest and Talia went entirely pale.

"Dad! What is it?"
