Surprise Arrival

"Really? GiGi ma?" a sneering voice came from behind her and Talia rolled her eyes and got up removing the Diadem from her head. 

"Hello, Lambert... Pleasant meeting you here, in this unexpected time, when I was specifically summoned," Talia had a bright smile, but her tone was pretty accusing.

"Yeah, like I keep schedule of your appointments just to barge in unannounced. Do you think I'm that free?" he pushed Talia aside and stood in front of The Dowager, "Look Great Grandma, she's saying I can't meet you. What a cruel woman!" he complained.

"Did I say that? You are assuming yourself and blaming me? Look GiGi ma, Lambert is calling me cruel when I said nothing!" Talia pouted.

"Alright, alright you two...Don't start..." The Dowager chuckled, covering her mouth with her hands. "Lambert, you can call me GiGi ma if you wish too..." her wrinkles became more pronounced as she chuckled some more. "Now tell me why you're here."