Conflict Between Heart and Mind

The spring moon hung high in the sky filling the lonely balcony with a gentle light; the smooth music of the waltz form the hall played in the background setting the mood, the sound of crickets and the cool spring breeze gave an odd courage to the gentle maiden who kept her love locked up in her heart for two years.

The tall gentleman on the other hand was too stupefied to make a move. He knew the heart of the maiden and in the past few days he spent time with her, he learnt that she is not as docile and weak as he assumed she was, but was brave and assertive. But never in his wildest dreams did he think that she'd force a kiss on him.

Celine's heart felt like it was being rammed by a ramrod and she felt a surge of electric current originating from her lips that gave a tingling sensation that later passed on throughout her body. She didn't want that sensation to end, but when she didn't feel any reciprocation or denial from Walter, she didn't know what to do.