A Genuine Mistake And a Playful Teasing

Talia and Arthur, didn't want to let each other go and danced for another song. Talia remembered that day they danced in her apartment for this same song. Back then she never thought that they'd come this far. There still are some hurdles before them that they need to overcome, but as a couple they have grown a lot closer and she loved it.

The overwhelming joy and her love, spilled through her eyes, making her more beguiling. With the warm lightings in the hall, combined with the warmth their intimacy brought and the way her eyes spoke volumes of her love for him, Arthur really forgot where he was. This kind of feeling was a rarity for him who always tired to be aware of himself in public. As the the song was going to end, he bent for a kiss.

He wanted to express his love for her; in a simple way, just like she expresses with her eyes. She loved his kisses after all!