No More Loyalty

Talia was frustrated how everyone brazenly asks her family's help when there would be no one to help them when they are in need. Why are they that jealous of her grandpa? Did he earn money by illegal means? It was all his blood and sweat. So why? If they want to be successful, why can't they work like her grandpa?

And with his said 'power' what did her grandpa achieve? He lost his family and suffered alone! Who will care for him?

"Even he couldn't save his granddaughter from being used as a pawn by the revered high Council! Ask them! Why should it be the Brunton family who should help the Monarchy again and again when even they had to bow to the Council? If the council has the power to take my grandpa's company from him, why can't they help you find your son?" Talia lost her composure, but still spoke without raising her voice much. "I'm sorry. I'm not a saint like my grandfather to help someone knowing that I will only get harm in return."