Ordering Around A King

"Fred... Mr. Ed... Is he..."

Talia asked gripping Arthur's lapel, the question that has been drilling her heart from the moment she woke up. She didn't want to seem too depressed in front of Roderick and she held her emotions back, but she couldn't hold back anymore.

And as she asked she felt the sensations too familiar to her. Her chest hurt, her heart began to beat erratically, her stomach cramped and she felt nauseous. And like bubbles forming in a swamp releasing unpleasant odour, images of bloodied Mr. Ed popped in her head, making her head hurt.

Anxiety attack!

Not this again!

Talia let go of Arthur. Closing her mouth with her hand, she rushed to the en-suite bathroom in her room. She was about to lock the bathroom door, but Arthur's hand gripped the edge of the door forcefully she couldn't close the door no matter how hard she tried.

"Iris, please don't lock me out. Please don't suffer alone."