Fortitude Of A Partner

"Iris, shall we go home? The doctors permitted you to have rest in home." Arthur held Talia's hand. She's been sitting in this uncomfortable chair for hours, holding her head, waiting for the surgery to be over.

Does her head hurt? Ah... her hands went cold again.

He cupped her hands in his hands and blew on them to warm her up. She wasn't even responding to him.

"Why is the surgery taking this long Fred? Could there be something wrong?" she asked turning to look at him and her eyes looked tired.

"No, I don't-"

He paused as they heard footsteps approaching them and he stood up as Talia stood up. A woman in her late thirties was waking to them and he guessed it should be Sir Robert's wife.

"Lady Magdalene Gaston," Talia walked to the woman. Talia was about to shake her hand, but as she saw the anxiousness in her face, she hugged her with no second thoughts.