She Was Happy

Everything changed after Lady Gina Melrose started conversing with Talia. A crowd gathered around Talia and the mood became lighter afterwards. Talia asked them to address her freely and they started talking about the blast.

One woman asked Gina about Sophia and Gina told them how Sophia was an obsessive stalker type and Talia was surprised hearing some of the things Sophia tried to make Gina do to her back in high school. But Gina somehow escaped the clutches of Sophia.

Talia liked Gina and wanted to help her somehow. The Melrose family is a noble family with no wealth or power in Esteria. They own a small furniture company that used to be very famous, but they suffered a loss. There are some Melrose furniture in the Oakley Castle that were bought during the glorious days of the Melrose family. These days they only make cheap furniture, but the Melrose name is pretty respected by many still.