How Many Children

After the short trip / outing to A- Country, Talia and Arthur returned to Esteria. Rebecca was unwilling to let Talia leave, but let her go anyways. 

Talia asked Joe if he had any preferences for his girl's name, but he said he had none. He said that from his side, he had none he could honour by naming his firstborn after them. 

Talia, who was under the impression that he might want to name his child after his late sister, understood he didn't want that. She then decided to find a name from Rebecca's side. Through the stories she heard from Rebecca, there were a handful of people Rebecca respected.

"Four? Really Iris? Four?" Arthur held Talia's hand as she was seriously contemplating, looking through the window. She didn't even respond to the stewardess who offered her a drink. There was a slight turbulence as there were thick clouds and thinking that she might be scared, he decided to change her mood.