Is This Another Minion of Ralph?

Same condition as Sophia? So Sandy went insane?

Edward now had Talia's full attention. Since she was very involved in arranging for the Investiture Ceremony the past few weeks, Talia didn't care much about world affairs. 

But something like this really happened?

  Talia knew if it really happened it wouldn't have been front page news. Arnold wouldn't let the world know that his only daughter became insane. After all he had only two legitimate heirs – Sandy and her brother. Of the two, Sandy was said to inherit the gemstone mining and jewellery business since she is more talented in appraising gems and she has a lot of connections with many rich collectors and celebrities who want to flaunt their wealth.

But it won't be hard to dig for the truth if I try.

"Follow me," Edward walked in the front towards one of the exit leading to the garden.