Someone Like You

  "Was it really a poison ring?" Talia got curious and moved closer to Arthur.

"Belladonna poison" Arthur rubbed her back and Talia noticed a murderous aura filling the room. "She took the poison herself and died immediately. She rightfully suffered a lot as she died"

If she had succeeded, it would have been Iris who died the same death.

"Oh? Silly me thought it was a bio-weapon with aerosolised viruses or chemicals," Talia chuckled awkwardly. "This is real life and not a Bond movie."

What a wild imagination I have!

"But you were right about the poison ring though." Arthur's voice was stern and he wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her close to him. "And your first instinct was to save Edward – the man you say you despise for being a hypocrite; before yourself."

Ah, so this is what he is mad about.

"I saved you first, didn't I? You and Lambert."