Getting Rid Of Enemies

"Do you feel cold, Iris? Should I turn off the air conditioner?" Arthur sitting in the armchair of the sitting area right under the air conditioner asked Talia who was packing her bags in her slips.

He is someone who cannot handle heat and likes to keep the room really cold. She is someone who is cold regardless of the season and they realised for the first time that summer is tough for both of them.

"No, I'm fine." Talia looked at Arthur sitting with his legs crossed, with a lit cigar in his one hand and a document in the other. 

Like she has reduced her drinking, he has reduced his smoking and it was rare Talia sees him smoking. She loved the smell of cigar but she loved the man holding the cigar more. No matter how many times she looks at him, he gets more and more handsome each passing day. 

Cold? I'm feeling hot for some reason.

She didn't want to pack anymore and sat beside him, hooking her arms with his and leaned on his shoulder.