Let Them Eat Cake

Talia was feeling rather down after she stormed off from Walter. She knew she's dangerous to be with and being with her increases anyone's risk factor, but getting told to her face, made her feel unpleasant. 

It's not like I like being a danger to everyone around me, right?

"Talia, I got some information from Fiona. Well, it's not information per se, but more like gossip. Lady Edith...Lady Edith form the Trenton family was actually the one who got betrothed to the then Prince Albert. But Prince Albert thought she was too young for him and wanted to marry The Dowager who was the same age as him. Apparently in those days Prince Albert's decision sparked many rumours and it is said that Lady Edith's family was greatly displeased and held grudges against the head of Trenton family for ruining their daughter's chance to become the future Queen Consort. Talia... Are you listening?" Celine saw Talia looking distracted and asked holding her hand.