To Be A Protector

On their way back, The Dowager took her to the Clemenshire Abbey a medieval Church that graced many Coronations and Royal weddings. Many Kings and Queens were buried in this Church that is more than a thousand years old. 

Talia knew they are here to pay respects to King George – her great grandfather and also Louis' father and grandfather. The Dowager had brought flowers and Talia silently followed.

King George's tomb was very elaborate and Talia stayed a couple steps behind the Dowager and took a good look at it. Big marble arches, beautiful sculptures of baby angels and even gold accents were everywhere. 

King George Albert Louis Philip- commonly called King George the Third or simply 'The Great King'. It seems like her great grandma and his family called him Albert.

Wow! Talia thought. He was so loved by the people.