Mountain or Molehill?

Talia blinked her eyes staring at the ceiling. She turned to her side to see Arthur deeply asleep.

Good! Fred is sleeping well... But why can't I sleep a wink?

Without blinking her eyes, she watched Arthur sleeping. She slept fine in Rosandale, but being back at the Oakley Castle, her insomnia returned.

When Louis said he doesn't trust Arthur, she argued that she trusted him.

But how much do I trust him? Will he tell me if his head hurts again or if he doesn't feel well?

I will watch him properly. It is fine if he doesn't tell me, I will find out if he's unwell. I will take him to the doctor myself and help him recover just like before.

She wanted to watch him, but her brain shut down naturally when the sky started to brighten as it needed rest to function. She had dreamless sleep for some time but she felt tightness in her chest and something warm and soft on her lips.