A Planned Attack

Sir Robert, who always stays by her side, immediately covered her. At the distance they saw the dust rising as if a sandstorm is approaching and they could feel the vibration under their feet while the rumbling noise approached them.

Talia was covered by her security guards and she couldn't see anything in front of her. But she could hear the villagers all scrambling away screaming and running for their life.

"A wild buffalo stampede! Take cover!"

The translator, who was perplexed, shouted. Sir Robert placed his hand behind Talia's back and led her to safety, while the others ran, surrounding her.

The camera crew were asked to leave their equipments and run for their life. But they lingered as they didn't want to leave their expensive equipments. Sir Thomson, who is experienced in conflict journalism, screamed at the younger ones to take the memory cards leaving the equipments and get the hell out of dodge if they want to survive.