Amusement of Ralph

Talia closed her eyes and tired to sense where else is she hurting. She particularly wanted to know if she felt something between her legs. She felt naked and it scared her.

She looked down and she was wearing some form of knee-length tunic. 

  Her entire body hurt and she couldn't get what part of her hurts more. She tried to get up but her back hurt a lot and she tried to move her hand. 

But she couldn't even move an inch as if she was tied. She turned to her side and looked at her hand and it was untied.

The uneven surfaces of the cave ceiling cast eerie shadows as the fire from the campfire flickered by little gusts of winds.

I'm drugged, aren't I?

Talia could infer that much.

She couldn't figure out how much time has passed. Everything around her was dark and there seemed to be no natural light and she guessed it should be night already. Her stomach was empty and it rumbled.