He's Her Fiancé

"She was very willing and...loose, if you know what I mean..."

Ralph added.

Talia's entire body shivered out of irk as she understood Ralph is trying to make Arthur believe that he slept with her, when in fact it didn't happen.

Is he trying to cause a divide between Fred and me? Or...

He wants to get killed!

He had angered a lot of powerful people in his quest to get her, and she won't want to get caught. Death would be the much wanted relief for him.

So, he can't have that!

Talia could hear Arthur's knuckles cracking and she held his hand. Arthur got raging mad hearing what he said. Connecting how Talia acted and Ralph's open sneer, he wanted to bash his skull and end him. 

He almost pushed her hand away in his rage to attack Ralph, but stopped himself sensing that she was trembling. 

"Iris..." he turned and looked at her. With her head bowed, she looked like a frail little kitten and he wanted to hug her.