Letters From The Past

"Is this how you're going to play it?"

Ralph gathered his strength to stand up, and Talia used the shock collar once more.

She didn't even feel bad doing it. Some people advised her to train Bear using a shock collar and she found that idea inhumane. But for Ralph, she found it acceptable. In her eyes, he was lower than a dog.

Talia ordered, "Keep your distance from my grandpa!" 

"MaryAnn..." Jerome tried to get the remote from Talia's hands, but Talia held it close to her. 

Furrowing her brows, she looked at her grandpa intently. She wanted to assure her grandpa that she is not going to be soft towards Ralph. 

"He deserves everything I give him, grandpa. Don't stop me." 

Jerome sighed looking at Talia. He was not worried for Ralph. When he saw how he was kept in this place, he felt vindicated for the sufferings his adorable MaryAnn endured in his hands for years.