Need For Tough Love

When Talia came to, she was floating and she was in the embrace of that familiar protective arms and firm chest. She could smell a strong scent of cigar combined with the scent she loved- the scent of Fred.

"Fred..." she sniffed his neck. 

"Hmm..." Arthur hummed as he placed a little kiss on her forehead. He was scared a bit when Cyril received a call from their butler that a fight broke out between  Talia and Lord Lockhart. 

He came here at once and he was stunned seeing Jerome Brunton entering the mansion at the same time. Both of them almost came running to the greenhouse where the two of them were and they were relieved to see Talia sleeping all covered up.

Lord Lockhart took responsibility and Jerome Brunton asked Arthur to take Talia home. The moment he picked her up, she started smiling and called out his name.

How cute!