Vivian's Wedding (1)

"What do you think of a carriage ride together as a couple after we get married?"

Talia asked for the umptieth time in the past couple of days, making Arthur sigh.

They were on their way to the McAllister Mansion where the wedding was arranged. Sitting in the car, all Talia could think of was about her wedding.

"I really don't care. Since you care too much, do what you want." He said a little dryly.

"You are getting mad about it. So you don't like it? Be frank with me, Fred. If you don't like it we can-"

"Goodness gracious, woman!" he held his head and his eyebrows twitched. "Just do what you want. Stop nagging me. Geez! Since when did you become a nagging woman? Ugh! I don't care. I really don't! Even if you want me to wear a skirt and ride a pony on our wedding day, I would gladly do that, if you could stop nagging me now! Wow!"