Save The Last Dance For Me

Talia couldn't handle the pouting of Arthur anymore. He was turning his face away and wasn't even speaking with her. He even pretended he has a lot of work to do. She wondered if it was because the Palace aides were stern in refusing his stay in the Gresford Palace before the wedding.

But what can she do? The orders came straight from her great-grandmother!

  Talia decided to cook dinner for him to make him feel better. She rarely cooks whenever she is in the Gresford Palace, and that day the kitchen staff were surprised.

She prepared his favorite meatloaf and mashed potatoes from scratch. She also made white chocolate mousse which is his favorite.

Her heart got heavy because of Arthur's silence; she wanted to make him feel better. She hoped the meal would be enough, but she wanted to make sure he feels better for sure.